( 2005)

2. White Nectarine Wine
3. Orange Blossom Mead
4. Strawberry Wine
5. Vanilla Almond Wine


6. Orange Blosson Mead
7. ginger peach Melomel
8. Blueberry Melomel

9. Mint Mead
10. Strawbeerry Melomel
11. Star Thistle Bergamot Mead
12. Rose Blossom Mead
13. 5-gallon batch split 3 ways
-- A. autumn spice
--- B. rosemary lavender
--- C. elder flower
14. Prickly Pear Autumn Mead



15. Clover Honey Mead
16. 5 Gallon batch split 3 ways
--- A. Raspberry
--- B. Rose Geranium
--- C. Plain
17. IPA Braggot
18. Ecalyptus Honey Lemon-Lime
19. Yeast experiment, 6 gallons , 6 ways
--- A. D-47
--- B. EC-1118
--- C. 71B-1122
--- D. Pasteur champagne
--- E. Montrachet
--- F. Cotes des Blancs
20. Starthistle Mead
21. 5 gallon batch Orange Blossom
--- 3 gallons Thanksgiving Spice
--- 2 gallons Thanksgiving Elderflower


22. 6 gallons starthistle honey sweet
---- 1gallon elderflower
---- 1 gallon vanilla saffron
--- 2 gallons chocolate
---- 2 gallons rose geranium
23. Oregon blackberry honey mead
24. White sage honey mead
25. Maple braggot
26. Starthistle honey mead


27. Raspberry Homey with Raspberry
28. Lavender Honey
29. Low-Octane Dry Lavender Ale
30. Meadowfoam Honey
31. Starthistle Rose Geranium
32. Orange Blossomn Blackberry Vanilla
33. Marin Honey Slumber Balm
(w Valerian, Skullcap & Mugwort)
34. Up In Yer Junk
35. Orange Blossom Meadowfoam
36. Cameo's Starthistle with Apricot Jum
37. Orange Blossom


38. Pumpkin Honey orange Spice
39. Orange Blossom Raspeberry
40. Meadowfoam (5 gallon Batch)
41. Carrot Blossom Honey
42. Braggot
43. Blueberry Honey St. John's Wort
44. "It Wasn't Meant to Bee" Coriander Honey Raspberry
45. Dry Lavender Ale
46. "Late & Loose" Washed Cap Mead
46a. Mystery Mead Elderflower & Elderberry


47. Fireweed Honey
48. Baby's Breath Honey
49. Buckwheat Honey
50. Muss and Bother into Mostly Cherry Baby's Breath Honey infused with dandelion, mint & berries
51. Desert Wildflower Honey...into "Seasonal Adjustment"
52. FAIL
53. Starthistle Honey


Red Winr: Sangiovese
RedWine: Cabernet


54. Black Mead (Forest, Buckwheat & Starthistle Honey)
55. Solstice Orange
56. "Loosy Goosy" Junk Honey & Washed Comb
transformed into "Rose By Another name"
57. "Party of 5" OB Honey


Red Winr: Sangiovese
RedWine: Cabernet


58. "The Magic Sink" Meadowfoam Honey
59. "Fire on the Verge of Spring" Fire weed Honey
60. "Abundant Fire" Fireweed Honey
61. "Weird Wyn" washed comb, palm sugar, jam
62. "Almost Solstice"
63. "Plumb Crazy" Santa Rosa Plum Wyne
64. "Black Summer" Buckwheat & Forest Honeys
65. Hop Harvest Braggot
66. "Seeds of freedom" black mead with chocolate

(2013) Zinfindel Port


67. "Grace" Mostly Starthistle Honey
68. "Past Indescretions" Washed comb mead
69. "Cleaning House" Meadowfaom Honey
70. J"Sweet Daddy" Meadowfoam & Local